Chavarah- Jewish Community Learning

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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Conflicting Information? Deut: 16:21-22 Torah Study

Deuteronomy 16:21-22 Says not to put "posts" or "trees" or "stone pillars" beside the alter of God.

BUT... There are many other places where our patriarchs did just that: Gen 21:33 Abraham plants a tree to worship by. Gen 28:16-22 Jacob builds a pillar to mark a Holy place. Ex 24:4 A stone pillar is erected at Mt. Sinai. and more. We even refer to the Torah as our "Tree of Life"...

So why is it that in Deuteronomy - this becomes a prohibited thing?

According to Rashi, because that was what the Cannanites did for their idol worship ... It would possibly become confusing and so it is just "not done any more" and besides now in the new land they will have a central place of worship.

So this is another "rule" that changes with the times once they "enter the land".

It is important not to even seem to use the same symbols as those who worship idols.

So this brings us to a question: Is it bad to use a symbol from a different faith and rationalize it to make it our own...

This brought on a discussion of Christmas Trees in Jewish homes - see next post.


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