Chavarah- Jewish Community Learning

A blog of Jewish study and traditions. Notes from classes: Torah Study with Rabbi Marder, Toledot and Shabbaton as well as other details found of interest.

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Sunday, September 11, 2005

False Testimony - a big sin!

Blind JusticeDeut. 19:15 - 21

There is a big problem with false testimony. This commandment made it to the "10 WORDS" and is repeated again and again in Torah.

IF a person is found to deliberately testifying false information and is found out... well... the punishment: the one giving false testimony is to be given the same punishment that was being sought for the person who was on trial.

This could be very severe and was to be a deterrent.

The law is repeated 3 times: in Deut 19 as well as in EX 23:1-3 and again in Deut 5:17

Aside: Plaut Commentary page 1357: "Everything in the world was created by God except the art of lying."

In the 10 Commandments the order is significant

Do not Steal
Do not Bear False Witness
Do not Covet

They all link together and relate to the relationships between people and property.

Interesting bits from Torah Study:

Women didn't count - they could not be witnesses.... a very disturbing point.

When one testifies they "stand before the Lord" - interpreted as seeing themselves as if they were standing before God.

Rashi commentary on respect / kavod for judges - a demand for respect whether they be like Jepthe or Samuel. Interesting that he puts it this way as Samuel was the epitome of justice and Jepthe is known for his questionable oath and not quite as highly thought of. Nevertheless, as Judges they must always be equally regarded with respect.

There is so much insight in the observations that Rashi made and how they more often are as if he were living and commenting in the modern world rather than the middle ages.


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