Chavarah- Jewish Community Learning

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Saturday, June 03, 2006

NO Jewish Prostitutes: What About Donations?

Deuteronomy 23: 18-19 - Clearly it was discouraged for the Israelites to be prostitutes.

AND it says that money from prostitution should not be used to 'fulfill any vow' in the temple.

And so the discussion goes to the issue of accepting donations of funds that are earned in a not so reputable way.

In Talmud Tractate Sukkot: "A stolen etrog is not kosher" - extends to the use of any ritual object that is obtained in an illegal way. And is pertinent for many items acquired by the Nazis in WWII.

And then there was the scene in Gone with the Wind: Scarlet is the only one who accepts the donation of the prostitute to help the war cause.

Conclusion: in some cases it is ok to accept tainted money but never to accept a naming donation because it will cast a poor image on the whole community and be a desecration of the Name of God.


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