Inequality and Work! It started there...
7/19 Genesis:3 17-19
(notes are a bit sketchy this week – sorry)
Equal or Not
Originally there was equality between Adam and Eve – Man and Woman
Then woman was made to be submissive
“song of songs” refers to the return to equality.
Well put in this website:
“The Song celebrates their mutual attraction and satisfaction. The Song also celebrates and restores equality to the male / female relation.”
“Because you did as your wife said”...
interesting that this implies that Adam listened to Eve and not to God.
Book Reference:
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman
Noted that marriages are happier when the wife’s influence is accepted.
And when each takes responsibility for what they do.
God is also learning about Adam and Eve’s growing need for each other. The need for human connection is strong.
There is a professor in Chicago (missed the name) who wrote about how women were responsible for the elevation of human kind. Curiosity is a major factor in our growth of knowledge and progress.
(here is a very different scientific look at the situation:
The Mitochondrial Eve theory )
Adam’s Punishment
The punishment fit the crime...
The ground was cursed (not sure why Adam’s sin had to be taken out on the ground)
He had to toil to eat
Thorns and Thistles
Basically it is going to be harder to live in the world. You will have to learn agriculture!
The land will resist and often make it more difficult to grow food.
Land is connected to human behavior.
Hasidic story: “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread” . . . After heavy exertion it is not so good to eat too much!
Attitudes toward work:
From the very beginning Adam was to work to keep the world and improve on it.
After the episode with the fruit, however, work became a burden.
Work can improve upon what you have been given.
Psalm 128: When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, You will be happy and it will be well with you.
This is about the ability to take care of yourself and support yourself.
Work gives dignity to people’s lives.
Pirke Avot:
one should always teach his child a clean and easy trade – to leave time for study!
Note from Norm Martello (hope I got this right)
The tension between the way people re needing other rather than how they could be (totally independent)
16 - “Your craving...shall rule over you”
Your desire can rule over you, so how can you make a balance?
Give and Take: to sometimes lead and dominate, to sometimes being take care of in your subservience. This is how we deal together with ‘thorns and thistles and the sweat of your brow’ (G 3:18)
(notes are a bit sketchy this week – sorry)
Equal or Not
Originally there was equality between Adam and Eve – Man and Woman
Then woman was made to be submissive
“song of songs” refers to the return to equality.
Well put in this website:
“The Song celebrates their mutual attraction and satisfaction. The Song also celebrates and restores equality to the male / female relation.”
“Because you did as your wife said”...
interesting that this implies that Adam listened to Eve and not to God.
Book Reference:
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman
Noted that marriages are happier when the wife’s influence is accepted.
And when each takes responsibility for what they do.
God is also learning about Adam and Eve’s growing need for each other. The need for human connection is strong.
There is a professor in Chicago (missed the name) who wrote about how women were responsible for the elevation of human kind. Curiosity is a major factor in our growth of knowledge and progress.
(here is a very different scientific look at the situation:
The Mitochondrial Eve theory )
Adam’s Punishment
The punishment fit the crime...
The ground was cursed (not sure why Adam’s sin had to be taken out on the ground)
He had to toil to eat
Thorns and Thistles
Basically it is going to be harder to live in the world. You will have to learn agriculture!
The land will resist and often make it more difficult to grow food.
Land is connected to human behavior.
Hasidic story: “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread” . . . After heavy exertion it is not so good to eat too much!
Attitudes toward work:
From the very beginning Adam was to work to keep the world and improve on it.
After the episode with the fruit, however, work became a burden.
Work can improve upon what you have been given.
Psalm 128: When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, You will be happy and it will be well with you.
This is about the ability to take care of yourself and support yourself.
Work gives dignity to people’s lives.
Pirke Avot:
one should always teach his child a clean and easy trade – to leave time for study!
Note from Norm Martello (hope I got this right)
The tension between the way people re needing other rather than how they could be (totally independent)
16 - “Your craving...shall rule over you”
Your desire can rule over you, so how can you make a balance?
Give and Take: to sometimes lead and dominate, to sometimes being take care of in your subservience. This is how we deal together with ‘thorns and thistles and the sweat of your brow’ (G 3:18)
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