The Blessing of the Sun April 8th 2009

Birkat HaChammah or Birkat haHammah
“Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night; they shall serve as signs for the set times—the days and the years; and they shall serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth.”
This is a very unusual observance that only happens once every 28 years.... so at first it seemed a bit 'pagan' in nature as you say blessings for the Sun... but it took a bunch of Jewish scholars countless hours to figure it out - so I guess it warrants an entry in this blog and a few links with information:
Every 10,227 days the sun returns to its position at Creation
Bless the Sun
A good time though to think of ways to use the attributes of the sun to help heal the earth!
It is a coincidence that the very evening of this special occasion begins the Passover week... they will find many midrashim to make this significant!
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