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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Great Nation Blessed

Genesis 12: 2-5 - Torah study 10-17 Rabbi Marder

Continuing the story of Abraham
Great Nation – what is that?

Rashi – a different view - Daily prayers say “God of Abraham” - at end of Avot prayer - “magen Avraham” - single out Abraham for special blessing.

Bal Shem Tov – repeat “God of___” - each forefather came to an awareness of God in his own way.

Dr. Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg – contemporary scholar – Genesis – Beginning of Desire. - Abraham will be redefined / reborn / transformed to another – “Shredding of destiny” – to change and to move to a new place – an act of kriah. Needs to go through a destabilizing process to change from Avram to Abraham.

Midrash: “a two sided coin was made with Abraham’s image on it” one side Avram & Sari other side young boy and girl who might be the ‘rejuvenated Abraham & Sarah’ - Hassidic interpretation that the drive for money remains throughout life young to old.
OR the coin of Abraham message that he was generous when he was young and when he was older.
OR could represent the transfer of things from one generation to the next.

“And you will be a blessing”
Can read 2 ways – future tense or command form to BE a blessing
Rashi – “Blessing are placed in your hand” - Abraham now has power to bless others.
Commentators read it differently – Riches kept for their owners only will hurt themselves – must share wealth and goodness.
I will bless you and you will be a blessing – I will bless you and you will bless others.

Other interpretations:
  • People will ‘flock’ around you to be blessed.
  • You will succeed whatever you do
  • You will be the standard of blessing – become like Abraham
  • Where you go – be an inspiration for others
  • Sharing of wealth and ideas that are ‘blessings’

“Those who bless you ... Those who curse you”
Iben Ezra – you will have many friends and those who curse you will be few.
Hassidic – “try to have many who like him and few who dislike him...” “try to have few enemies”

2 verbs for cursing -
Kalal – action of the offender
Aror – God’s response to the offender
SR Hirsch – God will accompany Abraham to the new nations and will judge them by how they treat Abraham.

“all the families of the earth – shall bless themselves by you” or “ bless through you”
(7 promises Abraham received)
Mystical interpretation – Eli Munk – As he leaves home he is blessed with 7 benedictions – like the newlyweds beginning a new life.
Zohar – Souls of righteous – exists with God when sent to the body it is given 7 blessings. Soul function in body is the same as Avram is in the land where he is going. Speaking to the soul of Avram.
Peter Pitzele – compare Abraham to Odysseus ... (next time)


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