A sign to strive for improvement!
Genesis 17:9-19
More on Circumcision: Symbolic meaning of circumcision
Rabbi David Kimchi- asked why circumcision – why not have created men without the foreskin.
It is an important sign because it IS done by man. It is a symbol of the covenant.
Man is not born perfect – must strive for perfection.
Man must attain his own perfection through his own actions
Man is associated with the act of creation
Fundamental purpose to continue to improve self and world
Why is the sign hidden?
Diminish sexual passion a reminder for self control
Differentiate man from animals.
Adds a level of morality
Question of women’s role.
Question of the slave as part of the covenant / part of the family.
Parents enter our children into the covenant – it is not a decision for the child.
Confirmation is a recent development and more part of the Reform movement – started in the 1800’s
SR Hirsch – the meaning of the ritual of the brit.
First Jewish Law.
Dual aspect – idea symbolize and the act itself.
Only good if its meaning becomes part of the people – belief & action
Heschel – behavior / psychology – between God and man.
Religious behavorism - relation of attitude and belief
More than doing rituals.
Name Change: Hey – added to Avram’s name = God
Sarah – Sari
Sar = prince / Sari = princess
Add the Hey – for the relationship to God
Rashi – Add the suffix of the yud (= mine)
God’s princess. Makes Sarah the “Ultimate Jewish Princess”.
More on Circumcision: Symbolic meaning of circumcision
Rabbi David Kimchi- asked why circumcision – why not have created men without the foreskin.
It is an important sign because it IS done by man. It is a symbol of the covenant.
Man is not born perfect – must strive for perfection.
Man must attain his own perfection through his own actions
Man is associated with the act of creation
Fundamental purpose to continue to improve self and world
Why is the sign hidden?
Diminish sexual passion a reminder for self control
Differentiate man from animals.
Adds a level of morality
Question of women’s role.
Question of the slave as part of the covenant / part of the family.
Parents enter our children into the covenant – it is not a decision for the child.
Confirmation is a recent development and more part of the Reform movement – started in the 1800’s
SR Hirsch – the meaning of the ritual of the brit.
First Jewish Law.
Dual aspect – idea symbolize and the act itself.
Only good if its meaning becomes part of the people – belief & action
Heschel – behavior / psychology – between God and man.
Religious behavorism - relation of attitude and belief
More than doing rituals.
Name Change: Hey – added to Avram’s name = God
- Foreskin = blockage or impediment in the Torah closed / barrier
- 7 days = natures 8th day = rising above nature / transcend the basic biology.
Sarah – Sari
Sar = prince / Sari = princess
Add the Hey – for the relationship to God
Rashi – Add the suffix of the yud (= mine)
God’s princess. Makes Sarah the “Ultimate Jewish Princess”.
At 1:40 AM,
Caroline said…
Many Jews are moving toward a non-cutting ceremony for their children called a Bris Shalom.
Another great resource for both Jews and non-Jews wishing to explore the historical/social/medical aspects of circumcision is
"Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision" by Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon
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