Isaac = Laughter
3/26 Torah Study with Rabbi Adam Rosenwaser
Sarah having child – Laughter!
Who is there. Sarah and God absent is Abraham.
Sarah previously was just listening in. Now she is directly the focus.
Some questions if the son is actually Abrahams son.
Recurring theme of barren women then having children.
Alter. V6 laughter suited to the complexity of the situation.
God is not speaking to Sarah.
You don't see the dialogue between Sarah and Abraham.
The whole episode of birth:
Three words in Hebrew she is pregnant and gives birth.
(another factor that it is written by men)
Next Sarah speaks. Poem. Her internal soliloquy
4/2/11 Rabbi Sarah Wolfe Genesis 21:3-
Isaac’s name: From chapter 17 note that God gave him that name!
Why Isaac associated with laughter ?
Both Abraham and Sarah laugh
Verse 6 Sarah says that everyone will laugh. Is it with her or at her?
Not always positive. Undertone that it might be laughter of mockery.
When Sarah gave birth many others were "cured" as well.
So everyone was laughing because much good fortune came to many people.
Son to Abraham In his old age. Reference to a similar physical look as well.
Also there is the factor of anxiety about Isaacs future. This may be another type of laughter.
Proverb "people plan. God laughs."
Itzak is short for ItzakEl. God will laugh.
Difference between laugh to self vs laugh out loud. Birth of Isaac was out loud laughter.
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