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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ishmael Returns...

Torah study 11-12 Genesis 25:7-19

Abraham content that Ishmael returns. Peaceful end of his life.
Ishmael's sons. Details about his life. End of Ishmael's life.

Gathered to his people. Early reference to the soul lasting and referring to returning to ones ancestors or one's people. Following the path of those before you.

V9 two sons hurried him. Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac mentioned first. Rashi...Ishmael did repentance and allowed Isaac to go first. This is the good old age that Ishmael came back and he deferred to his younger brother. Reunited. A promise of reconciliation.

Book: Self, Struggle & Change .... The Way Into Torah by Norman J. Cohen

Refers to brother estrangement and then a reunion of his father and uncle.

Bury Abraham in the cave of Machpelah. Place bought by Abraham for Sarah's burial place.

Machpelah. Word related to "double" - located in the heart of Hebron on the west bank. Today it is a mosque.

Benjamin of Tudela (a.k.a. the Jewish Marco Polo). Traveler.. 12th century. Book st. Abraham was the place where Abraham Sarah Isaac Rebecca .... Six tombs.

A century later described differently. Jews kept out during the Ottoman period.

Later it was opened and there were many tragic happenings there.

There was a controversy about it being declared as an official holy site.

Sarah died thirty plus years before... She is mentioned here to remind us that they are buried next to each other in the same place Abraham boughtbfor this purpose. Sets president of spouses being buried next to each other.

V11 after the death of Abraham

God blessed Isaac. Same formula in format other places in TANACH

Book of Joshua 1st book... After death of Moses

Judges 1st book... After death of Joshua

First Samuel 1st book... After the death of Saul with David

Literary formula. Consistent way to show the leadership continuity.

Bless Isaac. Rashi ...comforted Isaac as in a shivah minyan. Similar prayer...we need to do this we are emulating the Devine. Similar to visiting the sick.

God had given Abraham the power of blessing ... Now this is given to Isaac.

Eli Munk. Problem of the power of blessing. Parable...Gardner needs to keep the garden. Good tree and bad tree both benefit. Gardner decides to water anyway and leave the decisions to the owner of the garden.... Abraham afraid to bless Isaac because both good and evil will come from him...God. (the owner) comes and blesses Isaac. difficult to bless others.

Ha makom.... God is in the place. Consoled with all mourners...all Jews with you in your sorrow . Link to the larger community in a time of sorrow. Don't feel so isolated.

Later the power of blessing is extended to the priests and to everyone.

Isaac settled near the site of a promise of a son to Hagar. Symbolic.

Lineage if Ishmael... Formula the same...generations of Ishmael. Similar verbiage as previously... Same phrase Happens 11 times in Genesis.

Oldest son. Nebaioth... Nabateans ancient people from Petra. MY be a connection.

Each name relates to a tribe in the Arab world. And are repeated later in Tanach.

V14 three names only.

Book..Crisis and Leadership ..Maimonades...David Hartman.

Shows that suffering has meaning,

Listen, be silent, endure ... Interpretation of the message of the three names in this verse. In Yemen Advising them not to revolt...when being persecuted by Islam.

V 16. End if Ishmael's story.

Shows where they live as nomads... Fulfilled God's promise to Hagar.

Nasies ...word to describe the leaders related to clouds.

Rashi powers will not last forever.

SRH. Clouds represent a model of a good leader

V18. Where descendants dwell ... Or range ... Move around.

They camped along kind their kinsmen... Literal against his brothers he fell.

Ref that Ishmael was a wild man hand against brothers.. Same phrase as used before to describe Ishmael. Rashi... Ishmael...As long as A alive he dwelt.. When A dies he fell.

Next Week start Isaacs family.


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