Jacob finally goes where he was told to go...
Torah Study 1-12 with Rabbi Sarah Wolf
Backing up...the massacre...it is unsatisfying because there are no answers about why this happened in Torah...what are the repercussions? Find out later at the end of Jacobs life and how the tribes are placed in the new land. This was their delayed "punishment".
Is the dis-proportionate response to Dinah's rape warranted? Is there more to the story that just isn't included?
Move on chapter 35...
Reflects back to previous episodes in Jacobs life...
The conditional vow Jacob made before...now the fulfillment of that vow...
Avila Zornberg...Jacobs flaw is that he held back and didn't return sooner...(theory that the rape of Dinah is his punishment...or how he hid her from Esau). Jacob is punished for his withholding. His non fulfillment if his vow created. Danger...
This is the third reminder for him to return home... This is a debt that needs to be paid...
Command...get rid of foreign gods... No information on where this came from...
Commentators blame the Schemites ...
But this represents a rue dedication of Jacob and his family to the one true God.
Change clothes clean...relates to the scene at mount Sinai ... Cleaning to be ready to face God.
This is a reminder of his previous encounters..
"Who responds to me in time of distress". Eli Munk commentary..Jacobs relation with God is continuing... After times of trouble. God of mercy.
All the people were willing to hand over their idols and even more so by adding the earrings...
Is there any hint that God approved the massacre? But even if the actions of Simon and Levy were not approved..the covenant to protect them is kept.
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