Chavarah- Jewish Community Learning

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Gruesome Images - Lead to Practical Laws

Why people were into such gruesome displays of public punishment (or maybe I should say 'are') is not clear. But the Torah says that if the body of a dead criminal is impaled on a stake (or hung on a tree) it needs to be removed within one day.... (Deut 21:22-23).

There are several places in the Bible that describe this punishment: Joseph's dream interpretations in Gen 40; In Joshua after the conquest of the Amorite Kings; and 5 times in the Book of Esther. So this must have been considered a real deterrent for crime. And in Deut 28 - a list of curses - includes mention of a body on display being eaten by birds. This was thought to be a common practice in Egypt.

OK so this is bad for everyone and it is a curse on the land and a curse on man and a curse against God as well. Why? It comes down to the body being made in the image of God. So this law to take it down within 24 hours to try to avoid this curse.

Talmudic interpretations of this leads to the law about prompt burial of anyone. (If that is the law for the criminal - so much more so to be prompt to bury the righteous)... Thus the rules to bury someone quickly after their death - in 24 hours if possible - or maybe some delay for a family to gather (for example) if it is to bring more honor to the dead person.

Here are some other links with commentary on this tradition:
Prompt Burial

Good description of Burial Traditions

Links to Jewish Traditions Around Death


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