Sex, Children and Brothers...
Quite a good discussion on Genesis 4: 1-4 with Rabbi Marder
We started with a review to remind us of Samson Raphael Hirsh’s impassioned plea with the people to remember that they can ‘return to God’ and don’t need an intermediary. This was his position in the world where he saw more and more assimilation and conversion away from Judaism. He has a strong argument against the Christian concept of ‘original sin’ - The only thing that God cursed in the garden was the ground and the snake. He also reaffirms his faith in the human potential to be good.
On to the story of Cain and Able.
The story points out man’s capacity to do evil. The relationship with sin and our ability to master our sinful nature.
The story of the two brothers is an “Emblematic story about humankind”.
It is significant beyond the individual.
YaDaH – To Know – and what it means
As we often do we explored the translation of the word YaDaH -
In English – to know as in facts or recognition
In Heberw – to know as in facts or sexual intercourse
This has different implications. (Robert Alter says that this is an example of how English is a ‘clumsy’ language)
Rashi Text
The Biblical word YaDaH, has a nuance of emotional familiarity [literally endearment]. Another example--where YaDaH means familiar---occurs in Ru02-01---the phrase --- a familiar to her husband refers to relatives Another example is Ex33-17 when God says to Moses, And I will be familiar with you by name. However the main nuance [of YaDaH] is knowledge since endearment manifests itself in knowing the person
Hence I have translated Rashi's idea of knowledge-endearment as familiarity since familiarity fulfills Rashis criteria of YaDaH meaning both knowledge and endearment. Notice that the translation of YaDaH as familiar also makes sense and fits right in the two verses cited by Rashi [relative=a familiar; know by name=be familiar]
This process of finding an English word like familiarity which shares nuances with other concepts like knowledge and endearment is called finding a unifying semantic model. An advanced skill in understanding Rashi is the ability to find succinct semantic models for translation of words.
Class comments:
when you have intercourse you should know the person really well.
sexual intercourse is the culmination of knowing someone
sex represents what it is to be human.
recognition of a partner as a mate. Raises marriage to a sanctity rather than ‘animalistic’
midrash: two souls torn asunder looking for their mate – sex is the perfect coming together of these souls
The same word is used in God’s description of his relation with Abraham. He was ‘known’ and singled out for a special relationship.
The Child
Cain was born -
First we focus on his name: based on the verb “to gain” “to acquire” “to create” “to bring forth” and even “to buy”
it is the origin of the English name Smith
Midrash: Man and Woman are partners with God in creating a human. God contributes the soul and at death the soul returns to God.
Rashi speaks of the process of procreation as being devine.
It was also pointed out that Adam was not mentioned in Eve’s declaration of her partnership with God to have a child!
Different readings:
- one concept is that Cain was conceived within the garden and Able after they left the garden.
- Eve uses the term ISH (man) not baby. This may imply that by having this child that the bond between her and ISH – Adam is stronger.
- In the presence of God bringing a child into the world is equated with bringing our replacement to the world.
Eve’s exultant cry on the birth of her first son: “with the help of the Lord” “Both I and Adonai have made a man”
Different translations – but it is the first call by a human of God’s name. Eve clearly acknowledges that God has some influence on this birth. But also because of the use of the word ‘k-n-h’ (acquire as in husband and wife) it indicates that Adam is also acknowledged.
Were Cain and Able Twins?
Some sources say they were but others report that they had twin sisters....
(I found many Muslim site discussions on this topic on the internet)
Interesting essay on this Family started by Adam and Eve and the birth of Cain - Folklore:

Talmud it is suggested that to be successful in this life you should plant a tree, have a child, or write a book. This means you should be sure that you have exerted an influence for good in this life that lives on after your days are on earth are done.”
– At the End of the Day, James W. Moore
Book Reference: SELF, STRUGGLE & CHANGE Family Conflict Stories in Genesis and Their Healing Insights for Our Lives
by Norman J. Cohen
‘humans have Godliness within them from the moment of birth’
Next Abel
The name Abel – Hevel – means mist or vapor – futility / the ephemeral
what is the significance or Abel?
It starts right after the mention of their birth to tell of their occupations. There is no mention of their character.
Cain the herdsman (remember they are still vegetarians at this point so animals were more for clothing) and Abel the farmer. This is indicative of a fundamental conflict from the beginning. BUT there is nothing written that says this was a conflict and in reality they are dependent upon each other.
The story is very fragmentary and it is about choices. You can read it from different perspectives: psychological, anthropological or spiritual.
Leon Kass article READ THIS ONE
The two occupations of the brothers echo two earlier remarks about human work. Herding sheep reminds us of having dominion-ruling-over the animals, the work announced in Genesis 1:26, 28, the majestic story in which man is godlike, the world harmonious, and all is seen to be very good. Tilling the earth is the way anticipated and forecast in the so- called second creation story (Genesis 2:5, 3:23), the story that shows how badness and hardship enter and complicate human existence. Cain, the new man and heir of the second account, appears to be following the life God foretold for man outside the Garden (like many a firstborn, he takes over "the family business"); in this sense, one might think Cain "obedient."
This article is really worth the whole reading.
Another view presented by Robert Sacks in the book by Kass - Birth order sets the stage for what comes next. Younger son is the underdog and the first son bears the burden of the family. The first son is naturally angry and jealous of the second son – Brothers are natural rivals.
Book: The Beginning of Wisdom by Leon Kass – Page 127
We started with a review to remind us of Samson Raphael Hirsh’s impassioned plea with the people to remember that they can ‘return to God’ and don’t need an intermediary. This was his position in the world where he saw more and more assimilation and conversion away from Judaism. He has a strong argument against the Christian concept of ‘original sin’ - The only thing that God cursed in the garden was the ground and the snake. He also reaffirms his faith in the human potential to be good.
On to the story of Cain and Able.
The story points out man’s capacity to do evil. The relationship with sin and our ability to master our sinful nature.
The story of the two brothers is an “Emblematic story about humankind”.
It is significant beyond the individual.
YaDaH – To Know – and what it means
As we often do we explored the translation of the word YaDaH -
In English – to know as in facts or recognition
In Heberw – to know as in facts or sexual intercourse
This has different implications. (Robert Alter says that this is an example of how English is a ‘clumsy’ language)
Rashi Text
The Biblical word YaDaH, has a nuance of emotional familiarity [literally endearment]. Another example--where YaDaH means familiar---occurs in Ru02-01---the phrase --- a familiar to her husband refers to relatives Another example is Ex33-17 when God says to Moses, And I will be familiar with you by name. However the main nuance [of YaDaH] is knowledge since endearment manifests itself in knowing the person
Hence I have translated Rashi's idea of knowledge-endearment as familiarity since familiarity fulfills Rashis criteria of YaDaH meaning both knowledge and endearment. Notice that the translation of YaDaH as familiar also makes sense and fits right in the two verses cited by Rashi [relative=a familiar; know by name=be familiar]
This process of finding an English word like familiarity which shares nuances with other concepts like knowledge and endearment is called finding a unifying semantic model. An advanced skill in understanding Rashi is the ability to find succinct semantic models for translation of words.
Class comments:
when you have intercourse you should know the person really well.
sexual intercourse is the culmination of knowing someone
sex represents what it is to be human.
recognition of a partner as a mate. Raises marriage to a sanctity rather than ‘animalistic’
midrash: two souls torn asunder looking for their mate – sex is the perfect coming together of these souls
The same word is used in God’s description of his relation with Abraham. He was ‘known’ and singled out for a special relationship.
The Child
Cain was born -
First we focus on his name: based on the verb “to gain” “to acquire” “to create” “to bring forth” and even “to buy”
it is the origin of the English name Smith
Midrash: Man and Woman are partners with God in creating a human. God contributes the soul and at death the soul returns to God.
Rashi speaks of the process of procreation as being devine.
It was also pointed out that Adam was not mentioned in Eve’s declaration of her partnership with God to have a child!
Different readings:
- one concept is that Cain was conceived within the garden and Able after they left the garden.
- Eve uses the term ISH (man) not baby. This may imply that by having this child that the bond between her and ISH – Adam is stronger.
- In the presence of God bringing a child into the world is equated with bringing our replacement to the world.
Eve’s exultant cry on the birth of her first son: “with the help of the Lord” “Both I and Adonai have made a man”
Different translations – but it is the first call by a human of God’s name. Eve clearly acknowledges that God has some influence on this birth. But also because of the use of the word ‘k-n-h’ (acquire as in husband and wife) it indicates that Adam is also acknowledged.
Were Cain and Able Twins?
Some sources say they were but others report that they had twin sisters....
(I found many Muslim site discussions on this topic on the internet)
Interesting essay on this Family started by Adam and Eve and the birth of Cain - Folklore:

Talmud it is suggested that to be successful in this life you should plant a tree, have a child, or write a book. This means you should be sure that you have exerted an influence for good in this life that lives on after your days are on earth are done.”
– At the End of the Day, James W. Moore
Book Reference: SELF, STRUGGLE & CHANGE Family Conflict Stories in Genesis and Their Healing Insights for Our Lives
by Norman J. Cohen
‘humans have Godliness within them from the moment of birth’
Next Abel
The name Abel – Hevel – means mist or vapor – futility / the ephemeral
what is the significance or Abel?
It starts right after the mention of their birth to tell of their occupations. There is no mention of their character.
Cain the herdsman (remember they are still vegetarians at this point so animals were more for clothing) and Abel the farmer. This is indicative of a fundamental conflict from the beginning. BUT there is nothing written that says this was a conflict and in reality they are dependent upon each other.
The story is very fragmentary and it is about choices. You can read it from different perspectives: psychological, anthropological or spiritual.
Leon Kass article READ THIS ONE
The two occupations of the brothers echo two earlier remarks about human work. Herding sheep reminds us of having dominion-ruling-over the animals, the work announced in Genesis 1:26, 28, the majestic story in which man is godlike, the world harmonious, and all is seen to be very good. Tilling the earth is the way anticipated and forecast in the so- called second creation story (Genesis 2:5, 3:23), the story that shows how badness and hardship enter and complicate human existence. Cain, the new man and heir of the second account, appears to be following the life God foretold for man outside the Garden (like many a firstborn, he takes over "the family business"); in this sense, one might think Cain "obedient."
This article is really worth the whole reading.
Another view presented by Robert Sacks in the book by Kass - Birth order sets the stage for what comes next. Younger son is the underdog and the first son bears the burden of the family. The first son is naturally angry and jealous of the second son – Brothers are natural rivals.
Book: The Beginning of Wisdom by Leon Kass – Page 127
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