Chavarah- Jewish Community Learning

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Motivation to Go...

Torah Study 10/24

Genesis 12: 4-6 - review with Rabbi Marder

Continuing the story of Abraham as he set forth to Caanan

Leon Kass – exploring Avram’s motivation for going on this journey.
Noting the immediate obedience and questioning if the motivation is based on the promises or his faith alone.

This is one of the elements in the evolving understanding of Abraham’s character.

Eli Munk – There is a struggle of good vs evil from this question.

A Hassidic approach (v4) Avram goes because he is ‘just commanded’ to do so.

He does not need the recognition or glorification.

BOOK REFERENCE: Forgetting Yourself On Purpose
Forgetting Ourselves on Purpose: Vocation and the Ethics of Ambition
~ by Brian J. Mahan & Robert Coles

Peter Pitzele – compare Abraham to Odysseus ...
Both on a Quest! Both ‘men of the world’.
Contrasting the motivation and questions if they go on their mission for fame and privileges or not?

Abraham – a hero of silence. “listens to win”
“ordeals of imagination!”

Questions the meaning of life!

"Humbition"- want everyone to know you are humble!

Richard Freidman — emphasis on obedience rather than faith

Peter Pitzele - “history gave obedience a bad name!”
Ambivalence and fear may have also been evident in Avram’s motivation.

The Word Obedience – means more ‘pay attention’ or listen to the call.

BOOK REFERENCE: Spiritual Life of Children by Robert Coles
Never forget the compassion of children.


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