God leaves and Abraham Circumcised at 99!
Led by our Rabbinic Intern, Jen Gubitz
Genesis 17:22-27
The end of the Parasha Lech Lecha
The whole parasha is about relationships and defining the Jews and about covenant making.
- A grammatical issue of one word in verse 22 is the subject of much commentary.

After God spoke to Abraham it either says God “ascended away from”, “went up away from”, “was gone from”, “disappeared”
So what was it and what does it mean?
Raba – says - “upon”
Rashi – says – God went “up from” / the Shahina stood on Abraham’s shoulders
And there was a reminder that Abraham was prostrate on his face while God was talking so it makes sense that there might be an upward movement described.
There is some reference to a chariot – Abraham is a “chariot of God” - as in Abraham is a delivery system for God.
Eli Munk: says this not only refers to Abraham but to all righteous people who must carry the word of God.
Heschel also referenced that one needs to be a “divine chariot of God”.
The “Guide for the Perplexed” by Maimonides – To rise up is part of the message: God promises and then God rises up.
This is also the source for the word CARE
2. Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised.
Some say it was on Yom Kippur - Pirkey Rabbi Eliezer 29; According to others, it was on Passover
book: The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg
Idea that the circumcision relates in some way to atonement for Israel – not very well received idea in our class!
3. V 27 – All the slaves were also circumcised.
This is mentioned twice and is in the imperative – so it was a definite command.
4. Why on the 8th day?
Some say that 7 days were ‘natural’ and the 8th day becomes a holy time.
References on the 8th day
Another similar one
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