Chavarah- Jewish Community Learning

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Saturday, April 09, 2011

Isaac Is Born

Torah study 4-9 Rabbi Marder
Genesis 21:7-9 Birth of Isaac

Name: Isaac - Laughter

V7 structure. N Sarna. Isaac name occurs 6 times and the root of his name 3 times.
Ishmaels name does not appear in this part. He is passing from the scene.

Different interpretations of “who would have said?”
Who can say? How unlikely is this? Or a rhetorical question...
Or amazement

Ishmael is 14 years old.
Sarah gives suckle to a child. Ref to end of grapes of wrath...
Legend about Sarahs milk of righteousness and strength.

V7 in poetic form could have been a song.

V8 child grew And was weaned
How old was he?
The feast. Feast with wine. Signifies survival.
Not part of Jewish law. The celebration is in Mizrachi communities. In Eastern Europe some communities they have someone else feed the baby their first meal.
Customs around Children being weaned: Modern ceremonies noted in Anita Diamante book New Jewish Baby Book as a celebration. Someone else feeds the baby. Give tzedakkah to some child related organization. First sip from a cup.
Also in the Jewish book my Jewish Learning . Called for an alliyah. Special blessing.
Jews take every opportunity to celebrate children becoming more independence and strength.


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