Geography Lesson
Torah study 7-2 Genesis 21:31-34
Beersheba Well Seven Oath
Origin of it's name. Phrase "from Dan to Beersheba" (see attachment thanks to Alan Warshaw)
Mentioned in Amos telling the people not to worship outside Jerusalem. But Beersheba is known as a religious place. The well has been found by archeologists .
Philistines - Ancient people at the time of Abraham listed previously. No mention of the Philistines. No mention until this point. Not
Beersheba Well Seven Oath
Origin of it's name. Phrase "from Dan to Beersheba" (see attachment thanks to Alan Warshaw)

Philistines - Ancient people at the time of Abraham listed previously. No mention of the Philistines. No mention until this point. Not
mentioned in history until much later.
Five cities in the coastal plains later noted as Philistine lands. But it may be an anachronism reflected back into the text. But they are different from the philistines in this story. Later mentions they are enemies. At this point it seems they are not enemies.
Five cities in the coastal plains later noted as Philistine lands. But it may be an anachronism reflected back into the text. But they are different from the philistines in this story. Later mentions they are enemies. At this point it seems they are not enemies.
Might be different... Uncertain.
Treaty made and Avimelach is gone the Abraham plants a "tamarisk" tree (look up what plant it is.) Plant that survives in harsh conditions. Abraham previously associated with a tree. Tree is a symbol of a bridge between the earth and God.
Eschell word in Hebrew - debate on what means. Orchard. Hotel or inn. Nourish travelers. In other place in Tanach word used to mean establish rather than plant.Acrostics. Aleph shin lamed. Three activities of hospitality. Food rest and care for guests.Escorting as a mitzvah. Need to escort a visitor from your home.Reinforces Abraham's reputation for hospitality and welcoming the stranger.He called on "Adonai El Olam". There was an ancient pagan god named El. With the use of this term it seems that the Canaanite God's name is associated as a character of The God of Abraham. Midrash: When Abraham was thanked by his guests he would tell them to thank God... Thus started the practice of blessings over food.Maimonades. El Olam - Refers to the God of eternity. God is the original cause of everything. Many activities in the Bible attributes to God just leaves out the intermediate causes... Thus everything can be caused by humans who were caused by God.End of chapter. Abraham lived in the land of the Philistines for many days. Always the resident alien. Rashi. In all of his places he was always a guest. Always a provisional status.Chapter 22 Most difficult passage. Binding of Isaac. Akidah. Part of the traditional morning prayers every day.
Pierke avot chapter 5. Mishnah. Ten trials of Abraham to show his love of God.
Many different theories about why these trials. Reflect on what the trials in our life mean to us Read this portion with "Fear and trembling."
R Moshe Lieber. On the trials. We can find our story in Abraham's story. It is also the story of the Jews through history.
22:1 God tested Abraham. Here I am.
And it was after these things. First words... How much time had past?
Reflect on the age of Isaac.. Old enough to carry wood and ask questions. Some say he is 37 years old. Know that Sarah dies after this story used to figure out the time.
Rashi. A taunting with Satan. Relating to the feast for Isaac’s weaning where there was no offering to God. Only thinking about the sin. Therefore the test to see who is more important God or his son .
Treaty made and Avimelach is gone the Abraham plants a "tamarisk" tree (look up what plant it is.) Plant that survives in harsh conditions. Abraham previously associated with a tree. Tree is a symbol of a bridge between the earth and God.

Pierke avot chapter 5. Mishnah. Ten trials of Abraham to show his love of God.
King of Ur wanted to kill him as a child
Leave his land
Famine in Canaan
Attack of four kings
Promise of child
Despair of Sarah give Hagar to bear child
Circumcised at 99
Expel Hagar
Bind Isaac (This was the most difficult of the trials )
Bury Sarah
Many different theories about why these trials. Reflect on what the trials in our life mean to us Read this portion with "Fear and trembling."
R Moshe Lieber. On the trials. We can find our story in Abraham's story. It is also the story of the Jews through history.
22:1 God tested Abraham. Here I am.
And it was after these things. First words... How much time had past?
Reflect on the age of Isaac.. Old enough to carry wood and ask questions. Some say he is 37 years old. Know that Sarah dies after this story used to figure out the time.
Rashi. A taunting with Satan. Relating to the feast for Isaac’s weaning where there was no offering to God. Only thinking about the sin. Therefore the test to see who is more important God or his son .
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