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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Binding Of Isaac Interpretations

Study 8-13
Genesis 22:1-6
Binding of Isaac

To see the lyrics to the Leonard Cohen song:
Against sacrifice of the children. Contemporary view relates to war. Insert lyrics.

Richard Friedman. Book – Commentary on the Torah
Contrast the Sodom and Gemorah questioning vs not questioning in the case of sacrificing Isaac...

Three interpretation.
1. Abraham obeys what God asks. In the case of S&G. He is not asked to do this. It was not a command
2. Speaks for others but not for his son because his son is different - it is too personal
3. Because of the discussion before. He learns that God knew what his thoughts were. No use in arguing.

Abrahams silence over Isaac is most effective as it saves the life of his son.

V 4-5. On the third day Pattern in Torah. Nachum Sarna. Significant distance or time.
Few examples
Gen 31-32. Jacob fled. Gen42. Jacob confined in guardhouse for three days. Exodus 3. Burning bush. Distance of three days. Ex 15 cross sea. Set out in wilderness 3 days. Ex 19:11. Be ready for the third day. Numb 10. March for three days. Joshua 1:11. Get provisions ready in 3 days cross. Jonah 2: in whale for 3 days. Then gets to Nineveh 3 days walk. esther5. Fast for three days...On the third day she appears. Many more...
Also in new Testament. Christians movement third day church based on this..

Significant biblical theme
Tuesday is a lucky day. In Yiddish. God says twice that it is good.
Torah given on the third day. Plants created on the third day. Physical and spiritual nourishment given on the third day.

Question. What was the purpose of the test? Abraham knew he would not need to sacrifice Isaac so what is the purpose of the exercise? Auerbach says it is to give us fodder for Midrash.

Why delay showing him the place? So they won't say God confused him suddenly and drove him insane. To give him time to consider what he was doing. It was not an impetuous act.
Eli Munk.
What happened on the three days... Debate with Satan... Satan tries to deter them and tempt them away from the journey. Munk says that the obstacles in your way are Satan trying to tempt you from your goal.

Debate on what date it happened. On Rosh Hashanah? On Yom Kippur? On Pesach - his birthday?

Hassidic Midrash. That his enthusiasm lasted all three days.

How does he know he is in the right place? Rashi. Saw a cloud attached to the top of the mountain... Sign of God is a radiant cloud. So he saw god on the mountain.

Eli Munk. Hamakom. In the place. Same place where Jacob rested and wrestled with God. Zohar. He sees the place where Jacob will lie down. He sees into the future.

Hassidic teacher. Saw God from far off. Not close as previous encounters. He feels farther away from God. Saw God going away from him.

There is a bit of Abraham in each of us...
He goes forward even if he is feeling that God is far away. This is the fate of people going through history.


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