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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Religion, Relations and Politics

Torah Study notes by Howard (thanks) for 11/26

Genesis 25:19-23 political background

◊ Esau is considered the father of the Edomites.

◊ Numbers 20 – Moses requests to pass through land of Edom invoking name of Israel.

◊ Deuteronomy 23:8 do not hate Edomites; they are your kin. Yet Edomites may have participated in plunder and massacre of Jerusalem as suggested in Psalm 137 and in the Book of Obadiah. There is a curse on the Edomites for role in Temple destruction. Themes of betrayal and pain, especially since Israel and Edom were family.

◊ Edom is east of Jordan River north of Gulf of Aqaba; separated from Israel by the Aravah [the valley of the Jordan River – the northern portion of the Great Rift Valley -- between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba]. Resource differences led to raids across borders.

◊ These people were later called Idumeans (by Greeks and Romans), of which one descendant is Herod.

• Genesis 25:21 – more on וַיֶּעְתַּר, va-ya-tar and אִשְׁתּוֹ לְנֹכַח, l’no-khakh eesh-toe

◊ Hirsch – related to Machterret, underground or bore into, break in. Isaac’s prayer was powerful and penetrating

◊ Matthew Berkowitz – Isaac is empathetic and composes a prayer to penetrate heaven. He is in pain and prays passionately.

◊ Midrash – Genesis Rabbah – facing on another (like a boxing image, fighters in opposite corners), can be image of confrontation or praying together – an enigma?

◊ Ruth Weiss – a common problem can be solved by either withdrawing in sorrow or work-ing together. In the end it’s the former; each pursues his/her own agenda.

• Psychoanalytic analysis - God accepted his prayer. From Aviva Zornberg’s Murmuring Deep:

◊ Silent prayer was accepted by God; God was entreated.

◊ Talmud Y’vamot – word for pitchfork as the root for prayer

◊ As pitch for rearranges, turns the hay; prayer turns over to mercy, exposing darkness to light. Isaac acts like a pitchfork, enters his own darkness and turns it over.

◊ Isaac remains silent. Brings his inner darkness in prayer and turns it to love. God meets Isaac like a tunnel cut from two opposite directions. Cites Midrash of prince who is tun-neling into a palace to get a treasure while the king (prince’s father) is digging out; King wants prince to enter the palace. Suggests that prayer must be genuine and heartfelt, not perfunctory mumbling of words. [Is this a slap at orthodox services, where much mum-bling occurs?]

• Why were matriarchs barren? From Midrash on Song of Songs

◊ Not to put on airs toward husband; be modest and humble.

◊ Greater part of lives spent without servitude – not be at beck and call of children.

◊ Long to hear prayers – lack of something brings us to God; if you got it all, why pray?

• Genesis 25:22 - God responded … and Rebecca conceived. Word for conceive is related to mountain; woman gets “mountainous belly.”

◊ Sarna [JPS Torah Commentary] – a difficult pregnancy – spasmodic utero movements, not gentle kicking -- image of the twins wrestling in the womb

◊ Rebecca asks, אָנֹכִי זֶּה לָמָּה, “why this I” – a fragment of a sentence; in pain, only incom-plete phrases come out.

◊ Other translations encompass the pain of this pregnancy. It’s a desperate question.

◊ Rebecca seeks meaning, לִדְרֹשׁ (root of Midrash)

• Annunciation scene (Alter) with three steps:

Barren woman

Message from God or an angel

Birth of a son and special name

• Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, others with motif of older wife being barren

• Judges 13 - Samson

• I Samuel 1 on Channah being taunted by Peninah – priest acts as God’s messenger.

• Luke 1 on birth of John the Baptist to previously barren Elizabeth

• Joseph and Mary (cousin of Elizabeth) – subject of much art.

• However, Rebecca’s annunciation comes after she becomes pregnant.

• 25:23 - More on two nations in womb. It’s poetic.


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