Jacob finds his voice...
Torah Study 9-8 Genesis 31:36-49
Jacob finds his voice...
He was accused by his father in law...Jacob doesn't know about the idols.
Now he finally shows his anger and outrage over all that happened over the past twenty years.
He is incensed...
Jacob makes a legal case against Laban
Robert Alter...note Jacob's words are poetic. In formal poetic parallelism.
Words that describe wrongdoing.
Het wrongdoing done unintentionally..missing the mark.
Pesha willful rebellion against God
Avon- twisted..commit wrongdoing out of craving. Iniquity.
Jacob asks ...what is my sin?
Chafitz Hayim...says that Jacob was wrong to "blow up". (compares to David when he had an opportunity to kill Saul). Lesson - need to be careful with words...
The more you show your rage the hotter you get...need to learn to control your rage.
Jacob asks why Laban hotly pursued him.
References to heat..
You ransacked my belongings... Word.
Gen 27:12 ... Jacob being encouraged to deceive father ...same verb used.
What did you find? Nothing.
Set it before our kinsman. What is IT?
Let them decide.
Intense description of what Jacob has been through over the last 20 years.
Accuses Laban to be a sneak.
About the livestock...ewes never miscarried..he was a diligent shepherd and never ate the rams...
Richard Friedman.. Ewes means Rachel. And word for ram links to the name for Leah.
Double meaning that he has also taken care of his daughters.
Never brought you treifa ... Tet reish fey ...something that is torn. Reference to meat that had been mangled by wolves or the like. Demonstrates his moral conduct.
How he suffered. Laban made him pay for things not responsible for. Word theft comes up again and again.
Worked 14 years for wives and 6 for his flocks.
Changed wages time and again... Constantly trying to deprive him of what he was due.
In his burst of anger.. Then the mode changes from poetry to prose...
Frustrating to have to work with someone who is trustworthy.
V40 ravaged by scorching heat
V41 twenty years ..he was away from his parents for 22 years...Joseph was also separated for 22 years.
This is a turning point in Jacobs life.
V42 he is a person of faith shows... Speaks of God...and fear of Isaac...
The one that Isaac reveres...linked to the Aikidah by commentators.
God noticed him and the toil of his hands...it takes work to receive the blessings of God.
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