Jacob plans a reunion with Esau.
Torah Study 9-29 Genesis 32:1-19
Two camps...
Jacobs fear of his brother.
Peace offering.
Malachim ...angels or messengers. Rashi says they are actual angels. R. Bachia...says they return by v7.. Angels because they travel fast! Others take a different view and say they were human messengers....
Why Jacob seeks out his brother?
Needed to pass through Edom which was his brother's territory to return home.
Re quarrels...once it is over do not bring it up again...
By reaching out to Esau in Edom it stirs up trouble later... Edom represents Rome later... Similar to the issues with the Hasmoneans in the Hanukkah story as they sent representatives to Rome...which reminds them and they come in to stir trouble.
How difficult it was for Jacob to initiate contact.
He explains that he temporarily stayed with Laban... He remained a stranger in that time... Never became a "lord"... He kept the Mitzvot.
SRH. He struggled for the 20 years... This was his atonement for his wrong to Esau.
R Pliskin..growth through Torah book... Sharing with his brother is a sign of closeness.
Sharing personal information is a prerequisite for closeness and friendship.
Jacob is evolving and gaining humility...
V6 message sending.. Sending to gain favor...
Rashi ...seeking love. Rambam ...hint that he is sending gifts..can be useful.
Sforno...wants to tell him of his good fortune. 15 th century commentator...to assume Esau that he is not asking for anything.
V7. Esau's intention... Coming to meet you. Can be either friendly or hostile reading.
Ambiguous. 400 men refers to a fighting force.
How does Jacob try to protect himself and his family?
V8 fear... And distressed. Two verbs.
Source of fear: what he did...and that retreat is impossible, flight is impractical. He is trapped.
Also, Esau did not send a message if good will...knew that Esau meant to wage war against him...
Rashi...afraid of being killed distressed that he may have to kill another.
Essay Jonathan Sachs ... Jacob was afraid and distressed... Quotes Rashi... Distress was moral. Self defense. Use the minimum of force to save life...
A moral dilemma ... Whatever do the outcome is bad...
Book referenced: The Seventh Day: Soldiers' Talk about the Six-Day War By Avraham Shapira
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