A Theme: Second Son Takes Precedence
Very interesting observation in this week's Torah study class.
And this is a recurring theme in the Torah:
Cain and Able depicts a struggle between brothers, Isaac is Abraham's second son, Jacob precedes Esau in receiving his father's blessing although he is the younger son, Joseph is a younger son and a favorite while Ruben did not get prominent family leadership, Jacob blessed Ephriam the younger of Joseph's sons with his right hand, and even into the time of the Kings - David appointed Solomon to succeed him over his older sons.
Interesting then that the 'law' in Deuteronomy 21:15-17 deals with protection of inheritance to the elder son even if he is the child of the less favored wife. This is a 'moot' point now where polygamy is not accepted... but maybe not since multiple sequential marriages are not so uncommon. It does emphasize that one is not to favor the younger child or to favor the child of a favorite wife.
But the Biblical examples show otherwise... hmmmmm...... In all the examples sited there is a 'story' as to why the younger son took precedence - and the next part may go into one of the reasons ... the belligerent son...
(I will be away for the next 2 weeks so someone please take notes and send me a tidbit to add to the blog!)