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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Issac & Rebecca in Gerar

Torah Study 1-14 Genesis 26:6-11

Finish the Narrative about Isaac and Rebecca in Gerar

Passinng his wife as sister. - Beauty of Rebecca. Isaac resorts to the same strategy that his father did...

Same phrase that introduced Rebecca is used here. She is still beautiful in his eyes.Apologetic theory there is the wife sister institution. Is a higher status of relation in history...

V8... He had been there a while .. A long time. Says they have not molested her and now he has become complacent.

Rashi... King looking out and down... Looked out the window.

Robert alter. This sets the story apart. King discovers that she is not the sister..

He sees them...

Is he a peeping Tom?

Commentators prefer to think it was in Isaacs home not to think Isaac was fondling her in public.

Laughter enters the story again.. It may have a sexual connotation. Fourth time this verb is used. Rashi. Saw them as having sex. Other commentators have a full range of things but clearly to indicate they are not siblings.

Movie Days of Heaven. Uses this theme.

Robert Alter. Says it reflects on Isaacs character ... He has strong appetites. In food and physical pleasures.

Zohar. Mystical text. Righteous do not have sex in the daytime. King was looking at stars and saw this was indicated in the stars...

Talmud... No sex during the day. Very odd explanation that relates to possibly finding your partner not attractive.

Avimelach response... "WHAT". No excuses. Isaac "stumbles out the truth"

Eli Munk. Opinion if him is diminished due to his lie.

Robert Alter writes about Type Scenes... Repetition of stories in themes and he is known to analyze the differences.

Avimelach. Says that one of the people may have lain with her... He is describing the culture of the place...

Midrash Rashi...the distinguished one... He is saying the it is the king who might have lain with her.

Brought guilt upon us... If king did that it would effect the entire country. The health of the culture is reflected by the moral standing of the leaders.

Comparing the three stories.

Gen 12 ... Took place in Egypt. Ends with his leaving with wealth ...forecast of Exodus.

Gen 20 ... God intervenes... And then the Aikidah.

Gen 26. ... God does not appear. Naturalistic... Sets up for the next scene where Isaac is deceived.

What does our tradition say about telling truth... Says it is okay if it is to save life... Relation with peace and kindness. Truth is not always the highest value in halacha.

V12 is the conclusion. He reaped 100 fold... God blessed him. Fulfillment of the blessing.Isaac becomes wealthy through agriculture .... Temporary

Rashi... Sewed in that land and reaped 100 fold in that year.. To show that the earth and the year was hard/difficult... Thus the Devine helped.

why 100 for? Quantifies because of the tithe requirement. Isaac the first who gives the tithe to the poor and this is why he is blessed

V13. Trouble enters.. Isaac gets wealthy.

Rashi... Focus on the manure of Isaac rather than the wealth of the king... Creates some resentment.

Hassidic commentary.. The philistines were stingy... Coveted Isaacs holdings.

Acquired flocks and herds and servants.. Philistines were jealous.

"Jealousy of scholarship beings wisdom to the world"

This foreshadows the history of our people going forward..

Eli Munk. Three aspects of Jewish life. Servitude, wealth then exile.

Three stages... Servitude, freedom, win respect of the nations as Abraham did.

SRH... Jacob, Isaac, Abraham. Reverse order

Suffering, prosperity, the harmony .


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