Do What Sarah Says...
God tells Abraham not to worry and to do as Sarah asks!
Now from Abraham's point of view. He was distressed because of the son.
God's intervention. Caught in the middle between Sarah and Hagar
Don't be distressed about the boy or servant woman.
God acts as therapist to Abraham. Don't be upset. What Sarah says: " listen in her voice". Idiom that means to obey. (based on use in other places in Bible)
Rashi - Abraham was inferior to Sarah in prophesy. She reflects the word of God here.
Kimkee. Says just that she is "right".
Samson Raphael Hirsh - harken to her voice. True obedience. Listen to the Voice of the other not just the words. Listen because she is your wife. Trust her judgement. Women have a better insight to the situation.
Books: Listen to Her Voice: Women of the Hebrew Bible by Miki Raver
Sisters At Sinai: New Tales Of Biblical Women by Jill Hammer
It is a commentary on how men should communicate with women.
More than words. Communication is a lot about tone and body language.
Women's commentary.
One of Rabbi Marder’s favorite Talmud teachings: ” If your wife is short bend down and hear her whisper.”
Dr Mirkin (Brandeis professor) Another view. Feminist understanding. Sarah needed Abraham to empathize with her.
Abraham just acted. After this instance we don't hear her voice again. Maybe she really meant for this to be an opening for a discussion rather than action.
Next. Through Isaac seed shall come to him. Only through Isaac will the covenant be continued. Ishmael is not the spiritual heir.
Was Sarah a fearful anxious and distressed mother or a prophetess and a strong minded pragmatic strategist?
SRH. Seed will rise from Abraham through Isaac. Not all but some. Don't worry if they don't follow your path. Some will.
Plaut essay. Human feelings and Devine purpose.
Conflict between Devine purpose and human feelings.