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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Isaac and his father's wells... successful again.

1-29Genesis 26:18-30

Isaac and the wells. Names of the wells.
Beersheba blessing and altar. Avimelach comes to make peace.

Dvar Torah. Catherine Shadd.. From conservative synagogue in Berkley.

Uses the metaphor. Isaacs journey on his own from the akidah... Make his own life... But he returns to his fathers wells to regain part of his fathers legacy. He takes on his fathers teaching in this way. The journey from generation to generation crossing the paths and the wells of our parents.

Esek. The name of the well. Only once in Torah ( hapax legomenon) - Rashi... Means contention. Related to quarreling .

Sitnah. Well name. Enmity. Relates to Satan. The adversary or hostility
Word Satan in Torah is not a spiritual being just means an adversary.

A place called Rehoboth.. Means wide...can spread out. 1890 in Israel founded the city by that name that is now in Israel.
Allegorical reading... Quarrel prior to naming first two wells... Then could spread out.

Ramban teaching... Well of living waters stands for the Temple... Or as God.
First is the first Temple destroyed because of idolatry.. Second Temple destroyed by Rome. Third well no one the time of the messiah it will stand in peace.

V22. Eli Munk. Relocated from there... Search for a place without hostility. Hide from the hostility...message of retreat.
Midrash. β€œthe story of Rav Gamliel, who saw Rav Akiva drowning from a wrecked ship, and was later shocked to find him alive and healthy on dry land. He asked Rav Akiva how he survived the shipwreck. Rav Akiva answered, "I grabbed hold of a Daf, a plank of wood, and with this Daf for support, I sailed over every wave until I reached land."” ... When danger comes duck down.

Robert Alter... This is an interlude in the Jacob story... Struggle over wells... Prep for the next Jacob Esau story.
Relates to the conflict over the question of who gets the birthright.

V23. Isaac chooses to go To Beersheba
Eli Munk..Isaac was tested by being left alone until he is faced with conflict...
He was isolated and separated. God speaks when he voluntarily returns to Beersheba.
Interpretation - Survive by choice to be separate and different.

Difference between being a minority because you are forced into it vs choosing to be part of the minority.
Covenant renewed now with Isaac... Builds the altar...

V24. Bless and increase offspring for the sake of his father....
Merritt of ancestors... We are building on the foundation started by those before us.
The benefit of a good deed will benefit those who come after you.

Servant of God... Isaiah ... God says "my servant will prosper..."
Suffering servant passage. Many say he was describing the Jewish people.
Etz Hyiam... Why God appear now? Isaac feeling low... This is the reassurance.

V26.. Avimelach comes bringing his counselor and military leader...
Why is Isaac being visited by the king.?
Because of his wealth... Now Isaac is in the position of power... Speak in terms of "we" on behalf of his people (not personally )
Isaacs response...asks why king come? Not a social call... Isaac not trust Phillistines.
Kings Reply. They see that God is with you due to his success. Need to make a deal with him. Forced to make a deal...
Says they didn't harm him and sent away with peace... Not physical harm...

Midrash.. Parable of a lion devouring its prey gets a bone caught in his throat... Lion offers a reward to anyone who would remove the bone. A kora bird dislodges the bone. When the bird asks for the reward the Lion says β€œ for an animal to stick its head in the mouth of a lion and come out alive is the greatest reward.”


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