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Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Isaac Beersheva and Esau Marries

Genesis 26:31-34 - End of story of Isaac and the wells.

Well has water. Sheva = seven. Beershivah place name.

Story based on the similar story with Abraham where ther are many symbols of seven... This time a shuvah an oath. The stories are overlaid...

In actuality there was no city of Beersheva until much later... A suggestion that the text is actually written later than Moses.

Eli Munk. Connect wells and treaties... Twice there is a connection between wells and treaties... Water connected to a spiritual resource. Separation of the spiritual belief and heritage.

Orthodox Rabbi..Moshe Lictman - the relation with Avimelach connected to the story of Jacob and Esau.... Why the deception? To create the animosity between the brothers.. So Esau can teach a lesson to Jacob. Isaacs blessing had an uncomfortable twist. This resulted in the fears of Jacob.. Related to the animosity between Gentiles and Jews.

Also relates to the story of Isaac and Avimelach ... Isaac accused of making his wealth from the Gentiles... Avimelach sent him away to prove that his wealth was not taken from them but it was a gift from God. Troubles happen when we get too close to the non Jews. Psalm 105 King David alludes to this concept...

Antisemitism Is a corrective to keep Jews separate...and strong

Arnold Eisen ... Continuity in the narrative. Repetitive stories. Was Isaac familiar with his fathers stories when he repeated the history... Desire for the women and then the desire for their wealth... Hostility between them remains but they try to make the best of the situation... Wealth and trade helps to make the situation better.. But doesn't change the attitude ... Has this changed today? (The Jew Within: Self, Family, and Community in America by Steven M. Cohen (Author), Arnold M. Eisen (Author))

Esau begs for the blessing as well.. Does the others also get the blessing?

Midrash: the messiah will only come when the tears of Esau are dried up.

Peony by Pearl Buck about the Jews in China.. The Jews disappeared when they stopped speaking Hebrew.

Orphan verse... Esau gets married at 40... Isaac was also 40 when he gets married.

Rashi...Esau compared to a swine. Swine sticks out its hooves to pretend to be kosher...Esau presents selves as if honest but not... Says that Esau lives a sinful life before. But pretending to be "kosher" by doing what his father did... However the person he chooses is the daughter of the Hitite. But she did not have children...

Would have two wives .. One for children and one for playing with...Basmat second wife... In spice trade....Parents not happy about the marriage of Esau.Sforna. Cut short the spirit of Isaac and Rebecca ... A reason why she sent Jacob away


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