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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Meat & Rebecca's Plot

Torah study 2-18 Genesis 27:1-13

The request for meat ...Rebecca's plot for Jacob...

Tension between brothers. Book- Janice Garfunkel.. Esau the symbol of masculinity. Jacob is an ectomorph. (book...Atlas of Men). Jacob a mothers boy... Skinny type...
Intellectual... The Torah favors the studious type and so do Jews...prefer their men to be doctors rather than boxers.

Isaac tells Esau that he is old. Soforno...blessing is more effective when near death. At that point it is less about material things...

The Food Connection: Get food and cook it... What is the connection between the food and the blessing. The meal referred to many times.

Theories- Ritual meal goes with the blessing.
SRH - Isaac wanted to bless Esau in relation to his occupation..hope he will use his aggressive nature and desire to hunt for good and humane purposes to make a meal for his father.
Since Esau got married he didn't bring food to his father .. But maybe did before.

Why does Isaac want to bless Esau rather than Jacob?
Ora Chaim.. Issac thinks that Via the blessing Esau would change.
Rebecca never told Isaac about the message from God.

Joseph Rackman. Reason Isaac wants to divide the blessing.. Isaac empathized with the expulsion of Ishmael... He didn't want to choose between his sons. Rebecca wants everything to go to one son. Later Isaac shows his value as he wants to recognize both of his sons.

Kimkee. Isaac saw that Esau needed the blessing more than Jacob did. Esau needs the love and attention.

Birthright and blessing are two different things but it is not clear exactly what they are in the text.

Isaac says go out so my soul may bless you.
Robert Alter. Bless with life breath..with deepest soul.
How blessings should be given. Maharam of Prague... Do it with a spirit of joy.
A blessing must be done with soul.

Rebecca... She was listening. (not that she heard). Her practice was to eavesdrop. The way written shows that she does this all the time.
She waits for Esau to leave then talks to Jacob. ( seems she should have spoken to Isaac instead)

  • she didn't have time ...
  • the ends good but the means were wrong... (English commentator)

Women's Commentary... Rebecca must insure the results... Works to usurp the authority of Isaac... Subterfuge is what the women must use to get what is needed.

Happens again with the story of Tamar. Women must be more creative in how they get what they need. Also to use trickery.

Rebecca repeats the words to Jacob... Difference.. She mentions God ... Isaac did not.
Implies that God approves of this trickery.
Isaac was traumatized and doesn't have a relationship with God... He was spiritually damaged.
Rebecca says now listen to me.. Listen carefully as I command you... Telling you this as your mother.. Abravonel...emphasized that she was commanding him as his mother.

She will take responsibility... Makes her a tragic hero. She has more insight to the nature of the children.


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