The Jacob as Esau deception
Torah Study 2-25
Genesis 26:9-20
The Jacob as Esau deception - in detail.
Could be a comic farce or a tragic episode.
Dov Elbaum. Editor of Yediot Ahronot , publishing house.
Reading of the character of Isaac.. Noted that Isaac didn't have a relationship with God... Not renamed..every other patriarch has name changed to incorporate the name of God. Isaac chooses Esau due to a tie between them more than with Jacob. Sense of Isaac being damaged when he was tied up on the alter..cannot have the same type relation with God.
Naomi Rosenblat...Wrestling With Angels...sins of parents on the children..parental favoritism is passed on in this case. Jacob had an aggressive brother who he could not compete with...thus he must rely on his wits. He learns his skills from his mother...strategy and cunning. Needs his fathers leadership but he doesn't get this. Torah emphasizes the need for strong fathers. Jacob has "father hunger". Needs his fathers love and doesn't get it which may be what opened him to a strong relationship with God.
Two Goats...
V9 intense instruction from Rebecca...two good kids... Word for goat like the song, “had gadyah”... BUT...Why does she need two goats?
- a lot of food...for an auspicious situation. Important occasion calls for lots of meat.
Why goat? Taste of kid is like the taste of venison. The hair of the goat fells more like human hair.
Another Midrash in that it is ere of Pesach so the second goat is the one for sacrifice...
This is the day that will be Pesach..the two goats will later be the ones used to bring atonement at Yom Kippur...the scapegoat ... Atonement for the sins in this act.
Goats are the instrument of deception. Happens again in the story of Joseph when the garment is dipped in goat blood...also in the story of Tamar later whe goats are offered.
Rashi...note about the two goats..they belong to Rebecca. This was in the marriage contract. She is entitled to the goats. And relates to the two offerings to be made in the temple.
V10 take to father to eat so he will bless you. Joy is needed for the presence of God. The shechinah.. Need not to be hungry... Need to satisfy your physical needs to be able to unite your soul with God.
Jacob answers with the fact that Esau is hairy... He is concerned with consequences.
V11. Jacob says to his mother Rebecca , emphasizes the relationship.
Hairy and smooth. Wordplay. Pun in Hebrew. Saire the mountain where the Edomites live is rough and next to the smooth mountain..relates to the political differences as well.
Jacob fears being caught as a cheat or a trickster... The word is an onomatopoeia
In Hebrew.. Translated a deceiver or one who mocks.
SRH. Like an imposter...not really an imposter but he fears his fathers reaction..would not have time to explain at he is following his mothers instructions.
V13 Rebecca's response. Your curse is on me.
She knows she is doing the right thing...previous revelation.
Like when Adam is cursed the curse falls on the earth ( his mother).
She says the curse is on her...when a child acts bad ..the blame is on the parents.
There is the disturbing pattern where one son is turned away.. The dysfunctional family dynamic..