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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Smells, Blessings and Discovery

Torah study 3-17 Genesis 27:26-34

Smell... Blessing....
Esau finds out about the deception...

Isaac try's to be sure it is Esau... The kiss... Isaac asks for a kiss.
Different significance to kissing in the Bible.
The kiss of anointing...Saul becomes king.
The kiss of reconciliation...David kisses his son.
Kiss of valediction..of farewell...Ruth to say goodbye
Kiss of welcome...Moses
Kiss of joy...psalms
Hypocritical of songs
Kissing in Jacobs story different types of it is an uncomfortable situation...later Jacob and Rachel romantic kiss...Then Laban ... Then later with Esau when they meet... Then when he is dying..

Smell of the fields...
Sarna..says the hunter smells of the fields
Alter...points out that Rebecca knew this.
Rashi...goat skins smell bad? Zohar Midrash that the smell is the fragrance of the garden of Eden. Links Esau to Nimrod as hunters...garments inherited from Adam and Eve.

How did Isaac know this smell of the garden of Eden? Midrash ...he knew dip from when he was on the alter at Mt. Mariah. The scent of paradise.
Rashi..what is the smell? A field of apples. Kabbalah apple is significant. This is where the idea that the tree of life is apple. Holy apple orchard is symbolic of the Shehinah.
(is connected to why we eat apples and honey at Rosh Hashanah.

The Blessing...(he thinks it is Esau). First blessing is "dew"
Important for the Bible. Symbol of regeneration and abundance.
Later. Dew symbolizes life and the time of the messiah. First day of Passover there is a prayer for dew to restore the land and Jerusalem.
It is a blessing of material abundance.

Eli Munk. Link to garden of Eden...blessing is a repair of the pain in the garden of Eden.
To restore the original blessings...reverse the damage done by the serpent.

Blessing of parents to children important.
Essentials for blessing children
1. Meaningful touch
2. Words...add a personal message with the traditional blessing
3. Actions consistent with the blessing
Power..second part of blessing.

The mistake is revealed.
V30 Esau enters..
Climax of the drama...
Esau's way of saying "Sit up and eat" compared to the polite way Jacob said it...
Asks for the blessing...
Isaacs Shock "who are you?". Direct response.
Trembling of Isaac... (source of the word Haradeem orthodox) awe, fear, and his week.


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